

Some things are just meant to be.

Needs and personal challenges can be the starting point for remarkably strong partnerships with extraordinary bonds and loyalties. This is that type of story. It recounts how special needs stemming from major setbacks and adversity are filled from unlikely sources that prove to be truly life changing.


Click the link above and enjoy the story.

Look Out for Flying Meaballs

Look Out For Flying Meatballs


This story is a journey into the past. It is a nostalgic recollection of two days in the life of a ten year old boy (who happens to be me), growing up in New York City as seen through my eyes.


Join me as I go back to a time of innocence and learn some very important lessons the hard way.


Click the link above and enjoy the story.

Captain Cameron

Captain Cameron


Recently, America has experienced troubled times. No longer is our beloved country admired and respected throughout the free world the way it once was.

Captain America was our hero. He was the best of the best, and among super heroes, he stood alone at the top of the mountain. Things have changed, and now the time is right for a “changing of the guard” regarding America’s new future super hero who uses the power of his brain.


Click the link above and enjoy the story.

That Smell

That Smell

We perceive the outside world through our five senses.

Some people simply have desensitized themselves to the point where even excesses (loud noises, strong odors, etc.) might seem normal to them, but not to those nearby.

Are you a “Sensory Offender?”


Click the link above and enjoy the story.

Two Days of Freedom

Two Days of Freedom


Buggie was a loved but sheltered indoor cat who always imagined what the world was like on the other side of that big picture window.

It wasn’t long before he found out, and it was nothing close to what he had imagined.


Click the link above and enjoy the story.




It covers over seventy percent of our world, and there are 326,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of it on our planet, but how well do you know water?


Here is the story of water narrated in the first person by . . . water?


Click the link above and enjoy the story.

Do You Want Fries With That?

Do you want fries with that


Verbal communication was always simple. When you spoke to someone, they heard you, and more importantly, they listened.

With the abundance of electronic communication devices (everyone has a cell phone), society has given birth to new forms of audio abuses. Are you guilty?


Click the link above and enjoy the story.

The Greenest Grass I Ever Saw

The Greenest Grass I Ever Saw


Nostalgia is usually depicted in black and white, but what if a wonderful early childhood memory is in vivid color?

This is a story of me as a nine year old as I attended my first baseball game with my father. The events and images are what I saw and how I remembered them.


Click the link above and enjoy the story.